FreeBSD handbook chapter about fetchmail: abusive -d 60 option.

Pav Lucistnik pav at
Tue Dec 13 09:04:27 UTC 2005

Matthias Andree píše v út 13. 12. 2005 v 09:13 +0100:
> Greetings,
> the fetchmail handbook chapter (mail-fetchmail.html in the HTML online
> version) gives "% fetchmail -d 60" as example for how to run fetchmail
> as service/daemon. This is considered an abusive low value by many
> upstream sites, and some actually enforce that mail isn't polled more
> often than, say, once every five minutes.
> Please consider changing this value to 600.

Updated in CVS.

Pav Lucistnik <pav at>
              <pav at>

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