bind, named, and ddns

Reid Linnemann lreid at
Wed Dec 7 19:11:40 UTC 2005

   Lately I endeavored on reconfiguring my home FreeBSD system to 
coordinate dynamic dns updates between dhcpd and named. I found 
documentation and howtos to be few and far between, and somewhat lacking 
in details and specifics, so I wrote an overview of my own. I'd 
appreciate any feedback on this guide, and if it's useful I'd like to 
contribute it to the doc project (without the narrative text, of course) 
so that other FreeBSD users can easily find documentation on this 
network administration topic. The more feedback I get, the better I can 
revise the document and make it suitable for the FreeBSD user base.

You can find the overview at

Reid Linnemann
Senior Systems Analyst
Oklahoma Department of CareerTech
rlinn at

-Ars longa, vita brevis-

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