Contributors article cleanup

Joel Dahl joel at
Tue Aug 30 10:53:27 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-08-30 at 03:16 -0700, Murray Stokely wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 11:21:23AM +0200, Joel Dahl wrote:
> > bean            2000 - 2003
> Did nothing during this time.  It took us three years before realizing
> this person had no intention of working on freebsd.

Hm, let's remove her from this article then.

> Was Chris Shumway ever a committer?  I know he was on the admin team,
> but I don't think he was ever a committer.
> He was a great tech support employee at Walnut Creek CDROM, BSDi, and
> then Wind River, but his activity trailed off after the lay-offs at
> Wind River in late 2001.
> His years would roughly be 2000-2001.

I glanced at some CVS logs, and he was active (doing account creations
etc.) during 2002 , so I'd say 2000-2002.

This is the current list:

paul		1993 - 2005
stephane	2002 - 2005
viny		2004 - 2005
arr		2001 - 2005
flathill	1998 - 2005
sada		1998 - 2005
dan		1999 - 2004
mini		2002 - 2004
dcs		1999 - 2004
rpratt		2001 - 2004
tomsoft		2000 - 2004
chm		2000 - 2004
emoore		2002 - 2004
orion		2001 - 2004
logo		2001 - 2004
wjv		2001 - 2004
alex		2000 - 2004
taoka		1999 - 2004
patrick		2000 - 2004
cwt		1997 - 2003
jim		1999 - 2003
furuta		2000 - 2003
zarzycki	2001 - 2003
bean		2000 - 2003
mb		2000 - 2003
rnordier	1998 - 2003
tshiozak	2001 - 2003
uhclem		1995 - 2003
cshumway	2000 - 2002
rv		2000 - 2001

smace		x - 2004
lars		x - 2004

I can't find any good information about Scott Mace and Lars Fredriksen,
so I'd appreciate some help.


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