Is <itemizelist id="..."> supposed to create HTML anchor tag?

Marc Fonvieille blackend at
Thu Aug 18 08:38:30 UTC 2005

On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 09:25:18PM -0400, Craig Rodrigues wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 10:37:08PM +0200, Marc Fonvieille wrote:
> > You have to use <anchor id...
> > look at Linking to other parts of the same document section on
> >
> Excellent, that was exactly what I was looking for.
> Can I commit the following patch to the committer's guide?
> I found the linking quite confusing, and I wasn't sure
> whom to ask to do a repository copy, since earlier
> in the document, it mentions not to send repo copy requests
> to cvsadm@
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Craig Rodrigues        
> rodrigc at

> Index: article.sgml
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /home/dcvs/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide/article.sgml,v
> retrieving revision 1.226
> diff -u -u -r1.226 article.sgml
> --- article.sgml	16 Aug 2005 18:51:44 -0000	1.226
> +++ article.sgml	18 Aug 2005 01:24:06 -0000
> @@ -224,10 +224,10 @@
>        Please do <emphasis>not</emphasis> contact the &a.cvsadm; for repocopies
>        or other things that the more specific teams can handle.</para>
> -    <para>The only ones able to directly fiddle the repository bits on the
> -      repository hosts are the repomeisters.  To enforce this, there are
> -      no login shells available on the repository machines, except to
> -      the repomeisters.</para>
> +    <para><anchor id="repomeisters">The only ones able to directly fiddle
> +      the repository bits on the repository hosts are the repomeisters.
> +      To enforce this, there are no login shells available on the repository
> +      machines, except to the repomeisters.</para>

Here you should only do:

 -    <para>The only ones able to directly fiddle the repository bits on the
 +    <para><anchor id="repomeisters">The only ones able to directly fiddle the repository bits on the

the rest is not content change, but "wrapline", we use to separate
content and whitespace/indentation/etc. changes.

A question, who are and how to contact "repomeister"?  I did not check
the guide, but it'd be interesting to add something or a link to this
information, if it's not clearly mentioned.

>      <note><para>Depending on the affected area of the CVS repository,
>        you should send your request to one of the following email
> @@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
>        effectively a &; operation, then a repository
>        copy is in order rather than using CVS <command>add</command> and
>        <command>delete</command>.  In a repository copy, a <link
> -      linkend="conventions">CVS Meister</link> will copy the file(s)
> +      linkend="repomeisters">repomeister</link> will copy the file(s)

				repomeister or repomeisters?

>        to their new name and/or location and let you know when it is
>        done.  The purpose of a repository copy is to preserve file
>        change history, or logs.  We in the FreeBSD Project greatly


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