Update for www/amd64/motherboards.sgml - please review

Pav Lucistnik pav at FreeBSD.org
Mon Aug 15 19:54:29 UTC 2005

Martin Cracauer píše v po 15. 08. 2005 v 15:45 -0400:
> Can somebody who has the SGML system running and is a native speaker
> of English please review the appended diff?
> It contains entries for the 4 mainboards that I tried with
> FreeBSD/AMD64 recently.

I'm the lord of motherboard page...

Could you please make the Notes fields a little less verbose, and drop
all strictly non-technical stuff? Check 
for inspiration. No prices, no reviews, no feelings, just terse notes
about what works with FreeBSD and what not.

Also please wrap the lines at 72. Or I can fix the style once we're
happy with the content.

More notes:
- Dual-core Opteron == Opteron rev. E.
- please use formal talk, Windoze -> Windows ...

Can you please send me an updated patch?

Pav Lucistnik <pav at oook.cz>
              <pav at FreeBSD.org>

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