Chapter 21.5 inaccuracy

Simon L. Nielsen simon at
Tue Apr 5 21:03:43 UTC 2005

On 2005.04.05 23:30:47 +0300, Markus Vuorio wrote:
> Somehow I managed to think that ppp.conf should be located in /etc/, 
> though it actually located in /etc/ppp/. You should maybe add some 
> directives to 21.5 chapter for ppp.conf location so next time I'll find 
> it faster :).

Sounds like a good idea to me.  Could you please send it as a PR so we
won't forget about it?

> I actually made ppp.conf file to /etc and then wondered 
> why the heck doesn't it work.

Well look at the bright side, you probably will remember it better the
next time then ;-).

Simon L. Nielsen
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