Web docs about CD install

'TeddyRuxpin' ruxpin at rillonia.org
Sat Sep 25 18:25:49 UTC 2004


I am in process of trying to install FreeBSD 5.2.1 from ftp downloaded .iso
CDs (created on a win98 system) on a year-old PC hardware (1.7G P4 PCI 
bus etc.)

In the past I have installed Win3.11, win95, win98, win2k, Linux from 7.x thru
fedora, and NetBSD. I have a few clues on installing.

Your CD install process has a big up-front problem!

You need a clear and up-front section in CD install listing the 4 CD names,
what they do and how to use them.
You probably need better switching on options within the CDs depending on
what the CD really contains.

Your web page has a 'Getting FreeBSD' link, which I followed, and got to an
FTP site, dir suitable for my machine and the version I want. There are 4 .iso
listed. No clue but names as to what they are. Checking notes elsewhere - Web
page has NO info (or its well hidden) on what iso does what! I found a hint -
that one can buy a '4 CD set' - conclusion - I need all 4.

I ftp all 4, check the md5 sums, burn them to CD. No problem.

Which to Boot? NO instructions on the website. All I have are names on CDs.

Try BootOnly...

Well it boots. Does not config much, looks like it does not have install.

No options to go to another CD. No clues about CDs.

Try CD-boot disc1.iso - it does not boot. I get grub presumably from HD.

Try miniinstall.iso. This boots and does an install. I selected mostly
defaults. It formats the HD and installs OS. but no X?  There is a packages
to install option - all it seems to select is perl. That looks wrong, but
theres no other option to insert other CD, and I would expect disc1 and 
or disc2 to have the packages - they are more like the right size. 
But how to use them?

Still fiddling...


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