Question regarding 'placeholders' (Translations)

Remko Lodder remko at
Sat Sep 18 13:00:51 UTC 2004

Josef El-Rayes wrote:

> there should also be a note on each placeholder that says
> 'please note this page is not translated yet, for the original
> english version please check at ...
> if you like to help out translating this chapter please
> contact <responsible-translation-project-email>'
> something like that.
> greets, josef

So that would make it something like this?
Note that the wrapping perhaps 'fscks' the diff output
Only i did not mention the 'original version can be found here'
thingy since there must be an entity for that or something
which makes that easier to refer to.. or am i incorrect?

--- chapter_orig.sgml   Sat Aug 14 14:35:33 2004
+++ chapter.sgml        Sat Sep 18 14:59:29 2004
@@ -442,6 +442,33 @@
+    <qandaentry>
+      <question>
+       <para>How should i handle untranslated documents when i want to
+         import them into the &os; cvs tree?</para>
+      </question>
+      <answer>
+       <para>If you have untranslated documents, or documents which are
+         not yet reviewed, you should use so called
+         <quote>placeholders</quote>. The correct syntax for using
+         those placeholders is:</para>
+       <programlisting>  <sect1>
+    <title>* Translated title</title>
+    <para>Translated: This document is not yet translated, if you 
want to help out please contact
+      the responsible person 'emailaddr'</para>
+  </sect1></programlisting>
+        <para>The para statements are used to fill the sections.  If
+         they do not exist it will result in a failing build.  If
+         you have a sect2 or deeper statement in your chapter, please
+         put the para statements in the deepest section.</para>
+      </answer>
+    </qandaentry>

Kind regards,

Remko Lodder                   |remko at
Reporter DSINet                |remko at
Projectleader Mostly-Harmless  |remko at

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