Question regarding 'placeholders' (Translations)

Remko Lodder remko at
Sat Sep 18 12:24:56 UTC 2004

Hi there,

I asked in a reply to Xin Li and Denis Peplin, i want to define
a correct and global agreement on how we as translation teams
should use placeholders.

The Dutch Project follows the style of the German Project,
while the Russian Project does that in another way.

How do the German/Dutch projects handle the placeholders?

Like this:

   <title>* Translated title</title>


How does the Russian Project handle this?

   <title>Translated title *</title>


Can we please decide what works best, and use that globally?

I added a little thing to my personal fdp-primer regarding this,
since i think it should also be documented.

Since this is my first try in writing such a thing, i would like you 
(doc team) to give comments on it ;)

The diff is below:
(Ofcourse the correct syntax should reflect whatever we agree upon).

Remko (Dutch Project)

--- chapter_orig.sgml   Sat Aug 14 14:35:33 2004
+++ chapter.sgml        Sat Sep 18 14:20:02 2004
@@ -442,6 +442,32 @@
+    <qandaentry>
+      <question>
+       <para>How should i handle untranslated documents when i want to
+         import them into the &os; cvs tree?</para>
+      </question>
+      <answer>
+       <para>If you have untranslated documents, or documents which are
+         not yet reviewed, you should use so called
+         <quote>placeholders</quote>. The correct syntax for using
+         those placeholders is:</para>
+       <programlisting>  <sect1>
+    <title>* Translated title</title>
+    <para></para>
+  </sect1></programlisting>
+        <para>The para statements are used to fill the sections.  If
+         they do not exist it will result in a failing build.  If
+         you have a sect2 or deeper statement in your chapter, please
+         put the para statements in the deepest section.</para>
+      </answer>
+    </qandaentry>

Kind regards,

Remko Lodder                   |remko at
Reporter DSINet                |remko at
Projectleader Mostly-Harmless  |remko at

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