Possible error in src/share/man/man5/rc.conf.5
Alan Gerber
agerber at ncsu.edu
Sun Oct 17 12:45:17 UTC 2004
Greetings all,
I was browsing through the rc.conf(5) page yesterday when I noticed what
*could* be an error in the documentation. Basically I have a nitpick
with the populate_var tunable - the current documentation says that "a
memory file system is created if /tmp is not writable" and I believe it
should say "a memory file system is created if /var is not writable".
The current text is a direct copy from the tmpmfs tunable, so I think
the original author simply forgot to go back and change the value. I
could be wrong, however, as I have not actually tested the functionality
to see which is the correct statement. In the case that I turn out to
be right, however, I'm attaching a copy of the current SGML with my
modification for your review.
Alan Gerber
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