missing a command in RAID FreeBSD documentation

daniele at callimaco.com daniele at callimaco.com
Wed Oct 13 06:40:29 UTC 2004

Good morning,

i write you because i think you have an error on this page of FreeBSD

In documentation, you miss a command in rebuilding RAID array procedure.
Let me know if i have reason.
Best regards,
Daniele Biasci.

You will first need to detach the disk from the array so that you can
safely remove it:

# atacontrol detach 3

Replace the disk.

Reattach the disk as a spare:

# atacontrol attach 3
Master:  ad6 <MAXTOR 6L080J4/A93.0500> ATA/ATAPI rev 5
Slave:   no device present

# atacontrol addspare ar0 ad6

Rebuild the array:

# atacontrol rebuild ar0

The rebuild command hangs until complete. However, it is possible to open
another terminal (using Alt+Fn) and check on the progress by issuing the
following command:

# dmesg | tail -10
[output removed]
ad6: removed from configuration
ad6: deleted from ar0 disk1
ad6: inserted into ar0 disk1 as spare

# atacontrol status ar0
ar0: ATA RAID1 subdisks: ad4 ad6 status: REBUILDING 0% completed

Wait until this operation completes

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