orig/trans automatic selection patch for news/{newsflash,press}.html

Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Wed Nov 24 13:19:54 UTC 2004

Denis Peplin <den at freebsd.org> wrote
  in <41A47A7E.5000105 at FreeBSD.org>:

den> But in my local system it does not work...
den> <skip>
den> "/usr/doc/share/mk/doc.common.mk", line 168: warning: duplicate script 
den> for target 
den> "/usr/www/ru/news//usr/doc/ru_RU.KOI8-R/share/sgml/mirrors.xml" ignored
den> "/usr/www/share/mk/web.site.mk", line 216: warning: duplicate script for 
den> target "spellcheck" ignored
den> <skip>
den> (i see warnings only for Russian)

 Hmmm, I could not reproduce this.  Could you please send me
 the whole build log of www/ru/news?

| Hiroki SATO
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