Contributing to the FreeBSD documentation (was: Re: cvs commit: doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors chapter.sgml)

Tom Hukins tom at
Sun Nov 14 20:40:24 UTC 2004

On Sun, Nov 14, 2004 at 02:07:57PM +0000, Josh Paetzel wrote:
> In my experience (please don't take this as a whiney complaint)
> most of my input has been ignored.

As far as I can tell, you have submitted 3 PRs.  Two of your
suggestions have been incorporated into FreeBSD, the other one is
still new.

% query-pr -O paetzel --summary
   28970 freebsd- docs     closed    non-criti low      current-us Handbook fix for section 4.3.1
   60370 ale      docs     closed    non-criti low      current-us [patch] Clarification of textproc/docproj* ports in fdp-primer
   73760 freebsd- docs     open      non-criti low      current-us [patch] 5.3-RELEASE and possibly older 5.x systems need 3 floppies to boot the installer

You may have made suggestions in other ways, but submitting a PR is
the best way to ensure that your ideas don't get forgotten about.

> Just a recent example of this is docs/73760.  I submitted a PR w/
> patch and it's been "ignored" (there are no replies to it).  

It's only four days old, so I wouldn't say it's being ignored.  I know
that waiting for your hard work to find its way into FreeBSD can feel
frustrating, though.


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