Error in Handbook regarding Location of named configuration files.
me at
Mon Nov 8 18:10:13 UTC 2004
SSS> Hexren wrote:
>>URL to page:
>>In the handbook it says:
>>>Configuration files for named currently reside in /var/named/etc/namedb/ and will need modification before use. This is where most of the configuration will be performed.
>>In my sytsem Version 5.2.1 those configuration files are under
>>/etc/namedb/ which is also the location where they should be following
>>the named(8) manpage.
SSS> In FreeBSD 5.3, named per default runs in a chroot environment in
SSS> /var/named and thus seeing /etc/namedb as usual.
SSS> Manual is still right from view of named. But the system administrator
SSS> will have to edit /var/named/etc/namedb/
SSS> chrooting and chroot directory can be modified by named_chrootdir in
SSS> rc.conf.
Thank you that solves my iritattion :)
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