FAQ 9.22

Mats Dufberg mats at dufberg.se
Sun Nov 7 18:30:01 UTC 2004

FAQ 9.22 in 
<http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/disks.html> ("How do 
I let ordinary users mount floppies, CDROMs and other removable media?") 
is not up to date with FreeBSD 5.x.

In the answer it is mentioned that one has to update /etc/sysctl.conf make 
the update survive reboot, but the same is true for the change of owner 
and permission of the device entry. It says

    3. Finally, add the line vfs.usermount=1 to the file /etc/sysctl.conf
       so that it is reset at system boot time.

I suggest the following update:

    3. Finally, update /etc/sysctl.conf and /etc/devfs.conf so that it is
       reset at system boot time:

       a. Add the line "vfs.usermount=1" to /etc/sysctl.conf.

       b. Depending on chosen solution above add the following line to

          perm    fd0     0666

          or the follwing two lines:

          own     fd0     root:operator
          perm    fd0     0660


Mats Dufberg                                      mats at dufberg.se
Blaoarvsgraend 42                                  +46-8-38 48 59
SE-162 45 Vaellingby, Sweden                      +46-70-258 2588

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