nsgmls doesn't work

Manuel Hernandez manu at whitecats.mine.nu
Sat Mar 13 21:29:01 UTC 2004

Hiroki Sato <hrs at FreeBSD.org> wrote in
<<20040313.015922.45211871.hrs at eos.ocn.ne.jp>>

hrs>  Does "make lint" work?

Yes, make lint works fine. Look at this:

$ cd /usr/doc/es_ES.ISO8859-1/books/faq && make lint
-- output --
/usr/local/bin/nsgmls -wempty -wunclosed -s -D \
/usr/obj/usr/doc/es_ES.ISO8859-1/books/faq -c [all catalogs]

hrs>  And when you use nsgmls for XML docs, you need to specify a SGML
hrs>  declaration for the XML specification.

Excuse me, I don't understand it very well. I have this at the
begining of my XHTML document:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" \

And I try to validate now with:

$ nsgmls -wxml -s /usr/local/share/xml/dtd/xhtml/xhtml1.dcl index.html
-- output --
nsgmls:/usr/local/share/xml/dtd/xhtml/xhtml1.dcl:1:W: \
SGML declaration was not implied
nsgmls:/usr/local/share/xml/dtd/xhtml/xhtml1.dcl:31:27:W: \
characters in the document character set with numbers exceeding \
65535 not supported

Is this output correct?

Thank you very much (and thank you for show me Mew! It's a great MUA!)



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