ftp-chroot in login.conf ... doc error?

Bill Moran wmoran at potentialtech.com
Tue Jun 22 01:38:37 UTC 2004

I wanted to ask about this to make sure I'm not missing something.

In the man page for ftpd, it states that the user is chrooted if the
login class has ftp-chroot set ... however, man 5 login.conf doesn't
seem to mention ftp-chroot anywhere ... I appears as if the login.conf
man page is supposed to be a comprehensive list of options ...

Is one of these wrong, or am I missing something, or is there a fold
in the space-time continuum?

Heh ... while I'm on the topic, I'm looking for a way to set an
option so the user is chrooted to his home dir whether he sshes,
scps, or ftps ... doesn't look like that's in the docs either ;)

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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