FreeBSD Jails section for Handbook

Khairil Yusof kaeru at
Wed Jun 9 05:36:39 UTC 2004

This is a first go, and I would like to have comments on what such a
section needs included/removed before it can be good enough for
inclusion in the Handbook or as an article.

I've attached a plain text file in structured text format for now.

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FreeBSD Jails

    FreeBSD jails are self contained environments, which share resources on the
    host system but have their own ip address, configuration and programs.
    Essentially a jail can be used to run a complete virtual FreeBSD system
    (also known as virtual servers) without high resource requirements of
    complete virtual environments such as VMWare.

    Since they are self contained environments, jails are useful when
    there is a need for different server configurations that do not conflict
    with each other or, not to mess up a system when testing development
    versions of ports or programs. Currently the focus of this article are
    jails for a development environment, and will not concentrate too much on
    security. The setup will be that of a full FreeBSD distribution, which has
    everything the default base system has.

    Examples of jails as virtual servers usage 

        *   Development versions of ports which can conflict with
            stable versions such as Gnome development ports.

        *   Different conflicting versions of servers or programs.

        *   Ports testing, source installs

            Where mistakes or lack of a packaging can result in a messy state.
            It is easy to wipe out a jail directory without affecting the host

        *   Shared hosting or sharing a physical server within a company.
            **This article does not deal with security just yet to
            setup secure virtual servers**

Creating a jail

    Building and Installing

        The jail(8) man page has good clear documentation on this, and this the
        instruction from the man page on setting up a directory tree containing an
        entire FreeBSD distribution.

        For this example the host environment will have an ip address of Jail directory names are usually set as IP addresses while
        another naming convention that can be used is hostnames.

        The jail will be setup with an ip address of and in the
        directory /usr/jail/

        The following commands should be run as the root user or by a regular
        user with the proper sudo(8) permissions.

        For csh/tcsh:

            setenv D /here/is/the/jail

        For sh/bash/ksh users:


            export D=/here/is/the/jail

        On 5.X:


            cd /usr/src
            mkdir -p $D
            make world DESTDIR=$D
            cd etc
            make distribution DESTDIR=$D
            mount_devfs devfs $D/dev
            cd $D
            ln -sf dev/null kernel

        On 4.X:

            cd /usr/src
            mkdir -p $D
            make world DESTDIR=$D
            cd etc
            make distribution DESTDIR=$D
            mount_devfs devfs $D/dev
            cd $D
            ln -sf dev/null kernel
            cd $D/dev
            sh MAKEDEV jail
            mkdir $D/stand
            cp /stand/sysinstall $D/stand

        If you have already built world, you can replace **make world** with
        **make installworld** on the fourth line to avoid recompiling everything

        With **make distribution** be **very careful** that
        DESTDIR environment variable is set. If it is not, it defaults to overwriting
        your host system's base setup (rc.conf, passwd etc.). If in doubt,
        type it out manually.

Setting up the host environment

    Setup daemons to listen only on host ip address
        On the host, any daemons that listen on all ports, need to be removed
        if they will affect those in the jails. This is because, jail daemons
        all bind onto the same network interface through use of network aliases
        on the host. We need to either disable some services, or configure
        then to listen only on the host ip address.

             inetd_flags="-wW -a"

        On 5.x


        On 4.x


        Where is the host ip address, all services run out of inetd
        will now automatically only listen on that address. We have also set
        the sendmail_enable flag to ?NO? to prevent sendmail from listening on
        external host interfaces. This will still allow a sendmail process to
        start and bind to the localhost address of the host environment so as
        not to interupt programs and scripts which mail their output just as
        the standard nightly cron jobs. Lastly, the RPC port mapper has been
        disabled. The jail host cannot be an NFS server or client because it
        cannot be configured to listen to a specific IP address.

        We will then need to list out any other daemons that are listening
        on all ip addresses.


            sockstat -l4

        Any services that have *: and not a specific ip will be listening
        on all available ip addresses. This is not good, as it may conflict
        with one of the services listening in our jails. 


            In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, add or change the ListenAddress as
            below substituting the ip address with that of your host ip. 



        The following services are optional services that may be running on
        your machine though they are not enabled by default.  Here is how to
        have them listen to a single IP address by default.


            Add the listen-on option to only listen on specific ip addresses.


               listen-on {;
Starting and setting up the jail environment

    Starting the jail for the first time.

        Now that the host environment has been setup it must be told to accept
        network traffic addressed to our jail's IP address.  Once that is
        accomplished we can startup the jail for the first time.


            ifconfig ed0 inet alias        
            jail /usr/jail/ gnome /bin/csh

        In the ifconfig(8) command, replace the "ed0" with the name of your
        network interface on the host system.  This will allow the host
        environment to accept packets that are addressed to your jail's

        The jail command will start your jail, give it the hostname "gnome",
        the IP address, and drop you to a csh prompt.  You will now
        be interacting directly with the jail host.

   Configuring the jailed system.

        The next few steps are the required post-install configuration that is usually
        done at the end of a standard installation.
        *   We need to create an empty /etc/fstab
        touch /etc/fstab

        *   Run newaliases(1) to quell sendmail(8) warnings.

        *   Configure /etc/resolve.conf so that name resolution will work
            properly. For this example, set it to the host IP address where we
            have a dns server running.


        *   In rc.conf put these variables in. Enabling SSH will make it easier
            for us to access and run programs on the virtual server.


            The following options may also be added if these services are not
            relevant to the operation of the jail.


            On 5.x:



            On 4.x:



            We turned off sendmail from receiving mail from all but the
            localhost, in this case, the jail's own localhost. If you are not
            going to be providing network services from your jail you might as
            well turn off inetd.  SSH will allow you to use SFTP for file
            transfers since FTP will now be shutoff. The RPC port mapper has
            been disabled but a jail itself MAY still use or serve NFS services
            if actually needed unlike the host environment.

            The last steps can be done from either the command line or through sysinstall(8).

            *   Set password for root with passwd(8)

            *   Add accounts for users with adduser(8)

            *   Configure your timezone

        Installing basic ports and packages

           At this point you can begin to add programs through packages or via
           the ports system that are needed for the functionality of your jail.
           You cannot use sysinstall(8) from within a jail to add packages or
           install the ports tree from remote locations.

           To install from packages:

                For csh/tcsh:

                    setenv PACKAGEROOT
                For sh/bash/ksh users:

                    pkg_add -r portupgrade
                    pkg_add -r pdksh

            Change The PACKAGEROOT to our desired FTP mirror site.  By setting that and using pkg_add(8) with the "-r" option pkg_add will download the latest package for your release.

            To install from the latest ports:


                cat ports.tgz | tar --unlink -xpzf - -C /usr


            If you have installed packages and then decide to start installing
            from the latest ports, run portupgrade -uarR directly after you
            have created the ports tree so that your currently installed
            package versions will be in sync with your ports tree. 

Managing Jails

    Using system rc scripts to start and stop jails

        In 5.X /etc/defaults/rc.conf has a well documented section on
        configuring jails. We can control our jails from the host system using
        this script after we have added the appropriate lines in /etc/rc.conf
        on the host system.


            For our example we will add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf 
            (on host)


                jail_enable="yes"    # Set to NO to disable starting of any jails
                jail_list="gnome"        # Space separated list of names of jails

                jail_gnome_rootdir="/usr/jail/"	# Jail's root directory
                jail_gnome_hostname=""	# Jail's hostname
                jail_gnome_ip=""			# Jail's IP number
                jail_gnome_exec="/bin/sh /etc/rc"		# command to execute in jail
                jail_gnome_devfs_enable="YES"			# mount devfs in the jail
                jail_gnome_fdescfs_enable="YES"		# mount fdescfs in the jail
                jail_gnome_procfs_enable="YES"		# mount procfs in jail
                #jail_gnome_devfs_ruleset="ruleset_name"	# devfs ruleset to apply to jail

                You should also do the ip aliasing automatically by adding
                this line in your rc.conf

                ifconfig_fxp0_alias0="inet netmask 0xffffffff"

        Starting the jail

            Now to start the jail, you only need to issue the command.
            If more than one jail is defined in the startup list, all
            will be started.

                /etc/rc.d/jail start

            To start a specific jail

                /etc/rc.d/jail start gnome

        Stopping the jail

            To stop all jails

                /etc/rc.d/jail stop

            To stop a specific jail

                /etc/rc.d/jail stop gnome

    Checking that your jail is running

        To get a list of running jails use the jls(8) command


Reusing and Sharing directories

    Reusing jails

        The steps above to build and setup a jail can of course take a while.
        This is not prefferable if you are looking to do a limited test of a
        few specific scenarios and then discard the jail once you are done.
        You may find it useful to build a basic jail having gone through the
        steps above, make any additional configuration edits, and install any
        basic ports that you require.  From that  point you can repeatedly copy
        that jail in order to create new ones.  To do this, cp -R will not
        work.  Instead, do the following while the original jail is not


            mkdir /usr/jail/new
        	cd /usr/jail/old
        	tar -cpf - . | tar -C /usr/jail/new -xpf -

    Sharing a filesystem between jails

        Often you want to share directories over different jails, such as
        distfiles for ports to save disk space. One way to do it is via nullfs.


            mount_nullfs /shared/distfiles /usr/jail/

        You can automatically mount it at boot time by adding an entry in
        /etc/fstab on the host system.


            /shared/distfiles /usr/jail/ nullfs rw 0 0

Network Access


Gnome/X11 Desktop specific

    Forwarding X through ssh
        There are some issues with forwarding X applications via ssh.
        Change the entry in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (jail) and set


            PermitRootLogin yes
            X11UseLocalhost no


            I still had some problems with certain applications like gvim.
            Also there are X authentification errors if I su and try
            to run an X app. If you know of a solution, please let me know.
            These problems may only be occuring due to having host X display,
            on the same box.

    Gnome Desktop and GDM via secondary X Server and XDMCP

        GDM and XDMCP

            *   ssh in as root to your virtual server and run
                gdmsetup. Enable XDMCP.


            *   Run 'gdm' to start up the gdm service. 

            *   switch to a free console and you can now login to your
                jail desktop on a secondary X Server.
                    X :1 -query gnome

            *   To automatically start up gdm in your jail, copy



        Gnome Development testing

            For those interested in helping out with FreeBSD Gnome testing,
            you should visit the "FreeBSD Gnome Development FAQ":

            There are additional jail and build scripts, available from the
            development cvs at


    *    "Khairil Yusof":mailto:kaeru at
    *    4.x specific content and further editing by tmclaugh at
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