Screenshots missing

Marc Fonvieille blackend at
Tue Jul 27 10:47:19 UTC 2004

On Tue, Jul 27, 2004 at 01:26:29PM +0300, Jukka Hellen wrote:
> Hi!
> Why haven't you included some screenshots on your freebsd webpage?
> Same goes for Slackware etc :(

Screenshots of what?  An Operating System is an Operating System, you
can't take a shot of it.  The only screenshots you can take are
applications ones.  GNOME, KDE, Mozilla etc... run under FreeBSD,
providing screenshots of these apps do not help people to decide if
an OS is "good" or "bad" for them.  It's like judging a book according
to his cover.
Some parts of the project "provide" screenshots: for example, but it's
just GNOME screenshots, you can have the same look under any Linux
distribution or any OS running GNOME.

But if someone has a Linux kernel screenshot, I want it :))


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