Know something about Apache, FTPd, or Samba?

Murray Stokely murray at
Fri Jul 23 09:54:22 UTC 2004

As you may have noticed, I added sections about Apache, FTPd, and
Samba to the Network Servers chapter of the Handbook this week.  All
three sections could use more review and flushing out with content.
Thanks to those who have already committed improvements to those
chapters or mailed me about them.  In particular, there is a lot more
to be said about Apache and Samba.

Sections that I would like to see include :

* Setting up virtual hosts with Apache.
* Setting up webalizer to analyze web log files.
* Requesting and installing a signed certificate with Apache/mod_ssl.
* Installing PHP.
* Formal <examples> in the Samba section to illustrate simple tasks.
  Screenshots of the network neighborhood in Windows and how to
  associate the shares on the FreeBSD server would be good.  I'd like
  to see <examples> here so that we can link to them and so that they
  show up in the printed list of examples at the front of the book.

I may work on some of these myself, but I likely won't get to
everything.  It would be great if others have time and inclination to
help work on these new sections at the end of the Network Servers
chapter.  Thanks!

	  - Murray

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