RFC: initialisms and FDP

Murray Stokely murray at FreeBSD.org
Thu Jul 15 07:50:12 UTC 2004

On Thu, Jul 15, 2004 at 09:30:28AM +0200, Simon L. Nielsen wrote:
> It's actually defined (to a degree) in HTML 4.  The title attribute on
> most tags can be used to create a single line mouseover text.
> E.g. see the language selection on http://www.freebsd.org/.  If we
> need multi-line I think it has to be done with JavaScript - at least I
> couldn't find a proper way the last time I looked.

Single-line is sufficient for just expanding acronyms.  I see that the
docbook dsssl stylesheets know how to use the <acronym> target
already.  I'll see if I can add a custom <acronym> handler to set the
title, and update the &nis macro I created as a test case.

Thanks for a the pointers.

       - Murray

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