Handbook Acronyms

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Mon Jul 12 23:31:26 UTC 2004

In most books, the first use of an acronym or term is defined.  With the 
Handbook, that is probably not very helpful, since most users will not 
read it straight through and may miss the definition.

A glossary would help, particularly for HTML, where the definition is 
just a link away.  This fails on paper versions of the Handbook, though.

Ideally, the first use of a glossary term in a chapter would have a 
short definition:

     With NFS (Network File System), files may be...

In the HTML version, the entire "NFS (Network File System)" would be a 
link to the glossary.  Later references and links would just be "NFS".

If every acronym is defined in the glossary, is it possible to generate 
the link and definition the first time an acronym is used in a chapter?

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

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