Seeking new members for doceng@

Murray Stokely murray at
Sun Jul 11 04:12:13 UTC 2004

If you are interested in possibly joining the doceng@ team, then
please email doceng at with information about your current
projects and your views about the future of FreeBSD Documentation.

The doceng@ team is a body that was setup to handle some of the
meta-project issues associated with the doc project.  Responsibilities
include granting approval for new doc/ and www/ committers,
maintaining the doc project primer, which documents the best practices
for the FDP, and other tasks described in our charter:

There is probably room for about 2 additional members on the team
right now.

If you are interested in joining the team please mail doceng@ within
the next 7 days.  In 2 weeks we will announce the new member(s).

	- Murray / the DocEng team.

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