About rules on style changes [Was: Re: Preliminary sys/netinet style patch]

Xin LI delphij at frontfree.net
Tue Jul 6 14:41:13 UTC 2004

Hi, Dag-Erling,

(I have removed freebsd-net@ from cc list and added doc@ as the topic
seemed to be more related to doc@)

On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 01:50:34PM +0200, Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav wrote:
> Xin LI <delphij at frontfree.net> writes:
> > I have a patchset to remove tailing spaces, convert leading spaces
> > to tabs, and removes spaces before tabs.
> As a rule, we never do this except in conjunction with other changes.

Hmm... Seems that I have misunderstood the committers' guide, section
10.3, which said:

"Do not mix style fixes with new functionality. A style fix is any
change which does not modify the functionality of the code. Mixing the
changes obfuscates the functionality change when using cvs diff, which
can hide any new bugs."

I thought that this is not a strict discourage of style fixes. Shall
we add something to clarify the rule, like this:

"In order to prevent difficulties other committers will encounter when
making changes or merging changes from third party, it is discouraged
to do style changes when there is no functional changes over a subsystem,
and please follow style(9) when committing new code, as a consistent
style will ease others' work when merging your changes."


Xin LI <delphij frontfree net>	http://www.delphij.net/
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