PostScript of articles/checkpoint Broken

Dave Tweten tweten at
Sat Feb 14 19:56:53 UTC 2004

Doe anybody read this list anymore?  I sent out the original of this 
message a week ago, about the failed condition of FreeBSD PostScript 
documents then.  I got no answers and they are still broken identically 
this week.  Hello!?

The upshot is that 


run by root in /usr/doc goes into an infinite loop printing

	\RequirePackage{url} \def\PageTwoSide{1} \nonstopmode\input{article.tex}

Responses from recent readers welcome.
M/S 258-5                    |1024-bit PGP fingerprint:|tweten at
NASA Ames Research Center    | 41 B0 89 0A  8F 94 6C 59|     (650) 604-4416
Moffett Field, CA  94035-1000| 7C 80 10 20  25 C7 2F E6|FAX: (650) 604-4377
Not an official NASA position.  You can't even be certain who sent this!

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