tidy flag

Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Wed Feb 4 08:14:41 UTC 2004

Alex Dupre <ale at freebsd.org> wrote
  in <401A1786.9020705 at FreeBSD.org>:

ale> > So the question become: should we add the 
ale> > -preserve flag to tidy-devel or can we replace/remove that flag?
ale> I didn't see any answer to my email, so do you agree that it may be
ale> removed? :-)

 Please read the following thread:


 Since tidy always translates &xxx; into a raw character even when the
 -raw option is specified, it can break a doc in a encoding other than
 iso-8859-1.  The -preserve option is a hack to prevent this translation,
 which has been written by phantom@ at that time.

| Hiroki SATO
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