Handbook is unclear about the use of maxautovhans

Nikolas Britton freebsd at nbritton.org
Mon Dec 13 17:21:37 UTC 2004

Excerpt from the handbook:
"To set the number of virtual channels, there are two sysctl knobs 
which, if you are the root user, can be set like this:

# sysctl hw.snd.pcm0.vchans=4
# sysctl hw.snd.maxautovchans=4

The above example allocates four virtual channels, which is a practical 
number for everyday use. hw.snd.pcm0.vchans is the number of virtual 
channels pcm0 has, and is configurable once a device has been attached. 
hw.snd.maxautovchans is the number of virtual channels a new audio 
device is given when it is attached using kldload(8) 
<http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=kldload&sektion=8>. Since the 
pcm module can be loaded independently of the hardware drivers, 
hw.snd.maxautovchans can store how many virtual channels any devices 
which are attached later will be given."
So maxautovhans is only applicable if you loaded sound support as a 
kernel module and not compile it into the kernel?


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