Logs and Logging in Handbook?

Jed Clear clear at alum.mit.edu
Sat Dec 11 02:36:19 UTC 2004

While trying to remember where to add additional files to the log rotation, I 
tried the handbook first.  Is there some reason there isn't a page on logs and 
log maintenance in the Sys Admin section of the handbook?  Even if the syslog 
man page (my next stop) is good enough, I'd think logs should get a mention in 
the handbook.

Might also want to mention dmesg and uname there, and other items that help 
you monitor your system.

After searching, I see that syslog.conf and newsyslog are buried down in 
11.10.3.  But that doesn't do much with why and what.  I still think a section 
on monitoring, a little higher in the hierarchy, would be useful.


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