Projects List (was Re: Doc BoF at EuroBSDCon)

Ruben Kerkhof ruben.kerkhof at
Tue Dec 7 23:01:56 UTC 2004

> > --Snip
> > 
> > 
> > I did some work on point 2. You can see the results on 
> >
> > and the stylesheet on
> > The site is almost completely table-free (except for the 
> images at the
> > bottom) and works fine in Firefox
> > and IE 6.0 (haven't checked them in other browsers). The 
> css is not as 
> > structured as I wish it was, but I stripped all the font-tags and 
> > other ugly syntax. My goal was to make it look like the current 
> > freebsd-site, maybe someone else is willing to whip up 
> something more 
> > modern by modifying the stylesheet.
> This actually looks nice, while I agree on the structure 
> comment (the right bar looks too big in Mozilla) but it's 
> definitely a great start! 
> --
> Tom Rhodes
> _______________________________________________

I modified the design of the above mentioned site a little this afternoon.
The stylesheet now looks decent in Mozilla, and I stripped all the absolute
fixed-width columns, so it should work on all resolutions and font-sizes.

I'm trying to find out how the html gets generated from the cvs-repository,
and if it's very hard to create a patch, but I'm very new to this kind of
stuff. I'll try to make a couple of modern designs further this week, just
by modifying the css. Maybe there are more people who want to give it a try?
I think it's nice to make a few designs (just like, then it's much easier to pick the good things
out and drop the bad things.

By the way, I don't now how it shows up in Lynx :-)


Ruben Kerkhof

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