making answers on questions more easily to lookup

Carsten Zimmermann cz at
Tue Dec 7 01:09:26 UTC 2004

Hello Remko -

while your idea sounds like being the cure for hideous google walkabouts
in search for the missing follow-up in xy's mailinglist archive, I don't
think it's practical managable.

Problem is, threads are rarely declared `closed'. Potientially, there's 
always a new post waiting aroung the corner, messing up the summary. 
Besides: to whom should it be to post the summary? I think everyone
who uses forums and mailinglists frequently knows about how good it is
to share one's solution once he/she got it done the right way. But in
contrast, there are many who subcribe to mailinglists only if there's 
an urgent issue (I used to be one of them...). I don't think you
can make them sum up the thread they initiated. And it's way too much
work for moderators (if any!) to do the job.

Nevertheless, it would be great - that's right. Do you have any special 
mechanism in mind? 


Am Mon Dec 06, 2004 at 11:1018AM +0100 schrieb Remko Lodder:
> Hi,
> I read an email from Mark Linimon today state-ing that there
> are perhaps searches on the site that give back 20 results and
> where only one or tweo answers are provided.
> I also follow the sunmanagers mailinglist for my employer and it
> seems to me that they do a good job in posting a Summery to the
> list where one could easily find the answer.
> Although the sunmanager list is a bit different for only
> having questions (one) and a summery, we perhaps can
> introduce it to some lists.
> Subject: I have a SATA harddisk, is <company name and model
> number> supported?
> Subject: re: I have a Sata (etc)
> Subject: Summary: I have a SATA harddisk (etc)
> where the last post has the information that someone requires
> when having the same question.
> Do we think that is possible? or any ideas?
> (It was just a thought that popped up).
> -- 
> Kind regards,
> Remko Lodder
> FreeBSD (Dutch) Documentation Team
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