Time for a Network Handbook?

Tillman Hodgson tillman at seekingfire.com
Mon Dec 6 21:50:39 UTC 2004

On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 01:23:57PM -0800, Murray Stokely wrote:
> One thing we should think about is using link entities to allow the
> different chapters to be included in different books without breaking
> the build due to broken references.  Currently, the single-chapter
> builds often fail because xrefs to other chapters can not be looked
> up.  If we replaced all xrefs to other chapters with entities like:
> &link.chapter.sect;
> Then we could define that entity depending on the presence of the -i
> parameter entity for the given chapter file.  If the chapter to be
> linked to is included in the build (and it's -i entity defined), then
> the <xref> is created.  If it is not included in the build, then
> descriptive text is used instead 'The Blah Chapter in the Handbook'.

Fixing single-chapter builds would be great.

Alternatively, Tillman could get faster hardware.  But since I'd much
rather collect old hardware[1] than new hardware, that's not likely ;-)

> In this way, we could more easily move chapters around between books
> without having to update all of the cross-chapter references.

If it's done in a one-by-one fashion that would be important.

> This would also allow us to easily maintain a full version of the
> Handbook that includes all of the chapters, in addition to the split
> off 'network handbook', 'admin handbook', etc.  It's a stop-gap until
> we get proper olink support, basically.

I like that.


1. http://www.seekingfire.com/projects/e3hardware/

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	- Zen saying

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