Doc BoF at EuroBSDCon

Tillman Hodgson tillman at
Sat Dec 4 19:50:03 UTC 2004

> Not really sure what the best way to go about getting things
> done around here would be other than:
> Post a list of tasks of mixed sizes,
> Request people (people, not committers not contributors) to grab a task,
> Commit completed work after some minor/major review,
> As one task is completed another is grabbed up.
> Hopefully some others will chime in here and let me know how
> they feel about this.  Perhaps we should 'elect' a temporary
> project manager and just start getting things done.  Perhaps
> that is a bad idea.  I don't know, what does everybody
> think?

Working /with/ someone (Giorgos Keramidas, in my case) has been a
tremendous help. Granted, great docproj documentation would be nice ...
but having a mentor is working great for me, and helped me get started
with doing useful work quicker.

An idea that I've been mulling: The cvs-src summary that's posted
occasionally to the -current mailing list might be worth emulating. No
need to explicitly manage a MAINTAINERS file or anything if, once a week
or so, a volunteer could post summary of who's been working on what and
what the mailing list has been talking about. This has more of a "human
sounding voice" to it and doesn't go "stale" (it only covers the last
week or so). It would also be useful for folks interested in what the
doc folks do, and would help with the advertising item.


Page 594: You will find that the Unix file system has a compelling
beauty: everything makes sense.
	- Harley Hahn, _The Unix Companion_

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