The daemon is not a religious symbol, but...

Murray Stokely murray at
Fri Aug 27 06:23:55 UTC 2004

On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 07:36:01PM -0700, Jesus R. Camou wrote:
> I have always wanted the black polo.  Though, the only place that seems
> to have it is the FreeBSD Mall and there is no option of choosing color
> in the ordering form, you get to choose just the size.  Too risky, I 
> DO NOT want a white or a gray one.

Black is the default color because it is by far the most common.  If
you want another color, you can specify that in the comment field.  I
think we're going to discontinue the non black colors.  Everyone
prefers the black polos.

	- Murray

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