
Marc Fonvieille blackend at FreeBSD.org
Thu Aug 12 14:53:03 UTC 2004

On Tue, Aug 10, 2004 at 05:01:58AM -0500, Jim Worrest wrote:
>    This file seems to be messed up.  I downloaded the zip file, and it 
> didn't extract right at all. I suppose I should have been suspicious of 
> it, since was smaller than the zip file of the txt, while the opposite 
> should be true.   ---Jim

is a working version with images.  The program used to convert the
Handbook to rtf is unable to embed images but links them, it's why I
provide a tarball.  You should be able to read it under any rtf viewer
(I just did tests under OOo 1.1).


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