Doc: Dialup firewalling with FreeBSD - missing rule

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at
Mon Aug 9 01:05:46 UTC 2004

Johannes Tonn wrote:

>Hi Team,
>i have read the the short tutorial "Dialup Firewalling with FreeBSD"
>and i see on little problem in the ipfw-ruleset.
>An internel host (e.g. can not connect to an externel
>host. In the ruleset isn't a corresponding rule like:
>add allow tcp from to any via $oif setup keep-state
>so long,
>johannes - loving freebsd

Looks like you did find an issue.  Thanks for pointing this

I've cc'ed the article's author.  I imagine that some of the
docteam members could also make this change, perhaps
in time for the next release.  Once again, thanks!

Kevin Kinsey [who also loves FBSD]

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