
Chris Pepper pepper at reppep.com
Tue Oct 28 15:57:25 UTC 2003

At 5:30 PM -0500 2003/10/26, Ken Smith wrote:
>There are places on the Web site that list other related projects (NetBSD,
>OpenBSD, etc.).  Does anyone object to adding Darwin, probably the site
>http://www.opendarwin.org?  if I was to do it are there others that
>should be added?  It's the only other stable project with BSD roots I'm aware
>of but I don't "get out" much...

	OpenDarwin is good, but you should also link to Apple's 
Darwin site <http://developer.apple.com/darwin/projects/darwin/>, 
since Apple owns & controls Darwin. OpenDarwin is an umbrella 
organization for contributing work to Darwin, but it's not the 'main' 
project currently.

Chris Pepper:               <http://www.reppep.com/~pepper/>
Rockefeller University:     <http://www.rockefeller.edu/>

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