could current RELEASE-patchlevel be more "visible"?

Ivan Doležal ivan.dolezal at
Mon Oct 27 12:56:08 UTC 2003


    this is just a simple suggestion regarding a design of webpages:

    If you put on some visible place of security page an information 
saying something like

|current RELEASE     |
|patchlevels:        |
|                    |
|5.1-RELEASE-p10     |
|5.0-RELEASE-p12     |
|4.8-RELEASE-p23     |
| ...                |
|older not maintained|

it would help (me) sometimes to keep eye on proper security patching of 
my systems by just confronting `uname -a` with the page.

    Pardon me, if I am blind so I couldn't find it.

    Thank you in advance!

Ivan Dolezal

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