Turkish Translation Project

Omer Faruk Sen ofsen at enderunix.org
Thu Oct 2 12:12:13 UTC 2003


We as EnderUNIX.ORG have started to translate FreeBSD Documents in to 
Turkish language.  We have translated some documents in both www and doc. I 
have successfully compiled and installed www pages and there seems to be no 
mistake.  But as of know I can not compile doc tree because another document 
isn't compiling but the part that we have translated should compile without 
any problem. Before submitting changes with send-pr I think it is a good 
idea to inform both -doc and -www mailing list thus list members can try 
that patches. I am sending the link of patches since adding them here is 
inconvenient for all of us. 

EnderUNIX.ORG is trying to promote BSD operating systems in various ways. We 
write both Turkish and English BSD spesific documents and also host an 
emailing list for Turkish speaking people which is also in www.freebsd.org's 
international maling list. It is archived at http://lists.enderunix.org

Patches for www and doc tree are located at 

http://www.enderunix.org/trans_proj/tr_doc.diff  (for doc tree)
http://www.enderunix.org/trans_proj/tr_webpages.diff2 (for www tree) 



Omer Faruk Sen
Software Development Team @ Turkey
For Public key: http://www.enderunix.org/ofsen/ofsen.asc

FreeBSD - because Unix isn't just #include <linux.h> ! 

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