Mirror site listing in Handbook

Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Sun Nov 30 06:43:56 UTC 2003

Dmitry Morozovsky <marck at rinet.ru> wrote
  in <20031129223549.X4400 at woozle.rinet.ru>:

marck> Well, I suppose hiding links under proto names should not lengthen lines too
marck> much ;) Then, left part may be shortened to just hostname.
marck> someting like (html form)
marck> ftp3.ie.freebsd.org
marck> <a href="ftp://ftp3.ie.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/">ftp</a> /
marck> <a href="http://ftp3.ie.freebsd.org/">http</a> /
marck> <a href="rsync://ftp3.ie.freebsd.org/">rsync</a>

 This is technically possible, but mirrors.xml currently does not have URL
 for protocols other than FTP.  So when different prefixes are used in rsync
 and http protocol, the entries have to be modified first.

 Anyway, I like your idea.  If no objection, I think I will commit the
 necessary changes.

| Hiroki SATO
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