Subscribe me, please!

Ed Hurst softedges at
Tue Nov 25 20:34:19 UTC 2003

I am the fool who wrote that "Babe in the Woods" article posted on I really didn't mean to rattle anyone's cage, just show that
it was all within reach of the persistent fool, and well worth it.

As a virtual outsider, I have plunged headfirst into FreeBSD and found
what I've wanted most of the time in my search for FreeBSD on the
desktop. I have no ambition to ever do any networking beyond Internet
connectivity. In fact, I am doomed forever to use dialup because of my
geographic location.

I have returned to running FreeBSD on my "new" machine and am not
likely to ever leave off using FreeBSD again. Now I am producing
articles targeted specifically at users in my own category: folks who
can't comprehend half the man pages, know and care little about serious
networking, just wanting the best OS in the world for the desktop. I
have posted them for technical proof-reading at a couple of BSD forums
(Screaming Electron and BSD Hound) and gotten a few corrections.

As with anything Open Source, I invite anyone to publish them anywhere.
I can't write code, but I believe I am a fair hand at tutorials. As I
get them coded for HTML, I post them on my personal website, mentioned
in my sig. If there is even the smallest liklihood anyone would like to
include them in the "official" docs collection, I would be happy to
submit them for review.

Am I in?

Ed Hurst
An Applied Bible Site
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