Wording question

Simon L. Nielsen simon at nitro.dk
Wed May 14 12:47:46 UTC 2003

On 2003.05.14 07:42:15 -0500, Brian Fox wrote:

> 	My basic question is do I need the i386 version or the Alpha version for a
> PC (386, 486, Pentium, PII, PIII, PIV, Athlon, etc.)?  I am pretty sure I
> need the i386 version, but I wanted to double check.  Can you give me a
> basic definition of how you use these terms (Alpha Computer vs. i386
> computer or even more detailed what is defined as an Alpha computer)?

Alpha is a completly different type of computer from i386/x86/ia32 so
you need the i386 version.

If you have any further questions please use the FreeBSD-questions
(http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions) since
FreeBSD-doc is for the FreeBSD documenation, not general questions.

Simon L. Nielsen
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