Strange paragraph in the Mirrors chapter of the Handbook

Tom Rhodes trhodes at
Tue May 13 19:42:07 UTC 2003

On Tue, 13 May 2003 20:36:36 +0100
Ceri Davies <setantae at> wrote:

>        <para>and so forth for the other languages (you can find the
>        full list by browsing the <ulink
>        URL="">FreeBSD
>        FTP server</ulink>).  Note that the name
>        of the repository is the first <quote>directory</quote> in the
>        <filename>refuse</filename> file.</para>

Unless it means doc/, or ports/.  However, either add text explaining
that (which I think is useless information here, not to mention that
it isn't the first directory in the refuse file) or nuke it.

I'd vote for the nuke.

Tom Rhodes

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