docs/51658: [PATCH] - PR docs/50665 - fix suggestion

Murray Stokely murray at
Sun May 4 21:23:20 UTC 2003

Synopsis: [PATCH] - PR docs/50665 - fix suggestion

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: murray
State-Changed-When: Sun May 4 14:21:03 PDT 2003
Thanks for the submission.  An <example> isn't really appropriate for
this testimonial either, as it could then show up in the list of
examples after the table of contents and the assumption is that it
generally provides a procedure that can be followed to accomplish a

latency was mispelled once in this patch, so I fixed this and
simplified the sentence about the bridge adding latency to ping times.
I think that is all that is really required now that I think about it.
It's a more useful statement than the Pentium 90 numbers that show the
latency that was added.

It may be up to 24 hours before this change is available on the web site.


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