loader(8) manpage

Gary W. Swearingen underway at comcast.net
Mon Jun 30 14:27:07 UTC 2003

> >      patible Forth interpreter based on ficl, by John Sadler.
> >                                         ^^^^
> > 
> > Shouldn't this be uppercased?
> > 
> Done, thanks for the submission!

(I sent e-mail about this last week, but I see it didn't get through.
I'll try again, but my ISP changed my e-address today, so...)

Apparently, niether "ficl" or "FICL" is correct.  According to
"http://ficl.sourceforge.net/", it's a capitalized name derived from
"Forth Inspired Command Language", so it really should be "Ficl", which
is confirmed by observing that casing throughout the first page of a
google search.

It seems that "Ficl" should be considered to be the name of a "library",
but it not clear to me what macro should be used on it. (Certainly not
the "library name" macro. :)

Since I usually read man pages is plain text (withing Xemacs), I'd be
happing if the names of most things were surrounded by double quotes
like "Ficl", but I see lots of names in bold or italics or UPPERCASE or
underlined or `ugly quotes'.  As if people knew the distinctions and
found them useful.

So "ficl" and "FICL" both should be changed in the "loader" manpage.

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