RFC: Quick review for an install chapter patch

Jim Mock jim at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jun 1 21:51:17 UTC 2003

On Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at 08:45  AM, Tom Rhodes wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've attached a patch for review.  This should be a drop-in replacement
> for the MS-DOS Q&A section in the troubleshooting section.  Any 
> comments
> would be of a great help to me.

Comments/fixes below.  I've snipped most of the diff out so it's easier 
to find them.

+	You first need too defragment your MS-DOS partition using the 

"too" -> "to"

+	<application>DEFRAG</application> utility (go into Explorer, 
right-click on

I don't think "DEFRAG" needs to be all caps, unless it's actually called
that since it's not an acronym.

+      <para>There is also a very useful product from PowerQuest called

Maybe add a link to PowerQuest's site?

+	if you plan to add/remove operating systems often.  It does cost 
money, and if
+	you plan to install &os; once and then leave it there, 

"It does cost money, and if you plan to install &os; once and then 
leave it there" -> "It does cost money, so if you plan to install &os; 
and keep it installed"

+	<application>Double Space™</application> application.  Therefor 
the file

"Therefor" -> "Therefore,"

- jim

- jim mock  mij@{soupnazi|opendarwin}.org  jim@{bsdnews|FreeBSD}.org -
- editor in chief, BSD News: http://bsdnews.org  http://soupnazi.org -

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