FDP rules script
Patrick Tracanelli
eksffa at freebsdbrasil.com.br
Tue Dec 23 14:55:00 UTC 2003
Hello DOCers,
Mario Sergio (lioux at freebsd.org) uses to maintain a grep script that
verifies some FDP rules on the SGML files, which is used a lot of times
by the pt_BR doc. proj.
But now, after some little talk among some of us, Diego Linke has
written a perl script that just do not checks for FDP rules, but also
corrects them. It is still in BETA state. I know most of the rules are
not "fatal" but at least they save some disk space on making it.
If there is a chance it is any usefull for the main Doc. Proj, the small
script follows in this message's body. Everything it does, is commented.
Best Regards
Patrick Tracanelli
FreeBSD Brasil LTDA.
The FreeBSD pt_BR Documentation Project
patrick @ freebsdbrasil.com.br
"Long live Hanin Elias, Kim Deal!"
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This script "fixes" some FDP broken rules such as:
# 1) Removes space(s) after <para> tag
# 2) Removes space(s) before </para> tag
# 3) Removes all spaces on clear lines and leaves
# only new line specifier -- the \n
# 4) Removes clear spaces right after the end of the lines
# 5) Substitutes 8 spaces by a \t (a TAB)
# 6) Substitutes 1 space after a phrase separator (.?!) by 2 spaces
# 7) If there are 2 spaces between two words, it removes one of them
# This scripts "tells" the following good behaviour breakage:
# 1) Generates a WARNING everytime each line has more than 70 collumns
# Written by Diego Linke <gamk at gamk.com.br>
# The FreeBSD pt_BR Documentation Project
if (!$ARGV[0]) {
print STDERR "This scripts requires one argument (sintax: fdp.pl
open(FILE,$ARGV[0]) or die "Could not open $ARGV[0].\n";
$cont = 0;
$lc = 0;
while ($linha = <FILE>) {
$linha =~ s/(\n|\r)//g;
$linha_old = $linha;
$linha =~ s/<para>\ +/<para>/g;
$linha =~ s/\ +<\/para>/<\/para>/g;
$linha =~ s/^\ +$//g;
$linha =~ s/\ +$//g;
$linha =~ s/\ {8}/\t/g;
$linha =~ s/(\.|\?|\!) (\w)/\1 \2/g;
$linha =~ s/(\w) (\w|&|%)/\1 \2/g;
print $linha . "\n";
$linha_cont = $linha;
$linha_cont =~ s/\t/ /g;
if (length($linha_cont) > 70) {
print STDERR "WARNING: Line $lc is over 70 collumns. It actually
has " . length($linha_cont) . " collumns\n";
$cont++ if ($linha ne $linha_old);
print STDERR "\nfdp.pl: $cont line(s) were modified on $ARGV[0]\n";
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