A question about a word "userland"

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Fri Dec 19 13:49:12 UTC 2003

On Fri, Dec 19, 2003 at 09:37:28PM +0800, Jose Liang wrote:

> That is about this word: userland. Well, because my English is not vary
> well, so I translate this document by some tools sometimes, but there are no
> any word about "userland". I tried to find a solution to solve this problem,
> but I didn't get any effective answer. I guess this word means "system
> environment that user's set up", Just guess! Am I wrong? Could anybody tell
> me? If I'm wrong, plese tell me what it means after all.

"userland" would be the pieces of FreeBSD that are not inside of the
kernel.  Changes to a device driver would be things that are inside
the kernel.  If the mv(1) command changed that would be a userland

Does that help?

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at cse.buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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