port maintainers not in contrib.additional.sgml

Mike Patterson mpatters at cs.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Dec 8 02:46:39 UTC 2003

Pav Lucistnik wrote:

> V po, 08. 12. 2003 v 01:32, Mike Patterson píše:

>>Not that it really matters to me, but if somebody contributes a port and 
>>then drops it, and somebody else takes it over, why should that somebody 
>>else not get credit for that, if credit is to be assigned?  Maintaining 
>>is just as important as the original submission, no?
> I misunderstood your point. I was under impression you only want to
> complete the list by adding missing entries under current "rules" [1].

Well, it wasn't my point, I was just responding to your response to 
somebody else.  :-)

> If you're about to add all authors *and* maintainers than it's
> completely different question.

I don't see why that should not be done, and that's what I thought was 
being discussed, although I could be wrong - it's been known to happen.  :)


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