RFC: rework of the main web site's "internal" page

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Sun Dec 7 22:47:53 UTC 2003

On Sun, Dec 07, 2003 at 03:20:07AM -0600, Mark Linimon wrote:

> A mockup of the page (some of the links will not work) can be seen on
> http://www.lonesome.com/FreeBSD_www/en/internal/internal.html.

Generally looked much better.

> I'm certainly looking for feedback on this.  I'm not exactly happy with
> any of the wording around the links, so I'm pretty open to suggestions:
> for me, the main irritant of this page has always been the overall (lack
> of) order and the huge link sizes, and that's what I've tried to address
> with this specific set of changes.

The patch was kinda mangled as Tom mentioned so the comments are less
useful than they might be.

You had several contractions which I thought we were trying to get rid
of.  e.g. "Here's a list of ..."

For the list of machines available in the main FreeBSD cluster the
purposes and owners are a bit out of date.  freefall is not the
CVS master repository any more, a machine named 'repoman' is.
freefall can best be described as a generic shell machine.  ncvsup
and ocvsup are both owned by kuriyama now.  ftp-master is owned by
peter and kuriyama.  For mx1/mx2 the owner is dhw/peter now, in general
dhw is postmaster.

Thanks. :-)

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at cse.buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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