Round two of the front page structure changes...

Tom Rhodes trhodes at
Wed Dec 3 02:23:17 UTC 2003

On Tue, 2 Dec 2003 17:46:06 -0800
Sean Chittenden <seanc at> wrote:

> > o Takes a stab at the Vendors area, without any modification.  The
> > vendors link(s) should probably go under our Software or 'Getting
> > FreeBSD' areas.  But this can be argued.
> In my experience, one of the areas that FreeBSD has consistently been
> dinged in the "initial impressions by management" department is the
> lack of an obvious link to a list of vendors that provide commercial
> support.  Why?  Vendors doesn't translate into commercial support with
> some folk for some reason.  There's nothing on the main page that
> references /commercial/ and I think it'd be helpful to those
> evaluating the use of FreeBSD.  It's a trivial change, but I think
> helps.  Attached patch reoganizes and makes the /commercial/ page more
> concise and alphabetizes the list of vendor categories.

Since I'm still hammering out the 'look' of the front page with
everyone, could I ask that the first part of this diff wait for
a little while?  I do agree that commercial support is something
that needs more light shed on it, but every part of the site will
get equal attention.  :)

> The last thing that I think the commerical section is *desparately* in
> need of, is a list of vendors that provide long term, 24/7 support.
> It's non-obvious that there is a bunch of companies that provide that
> with our current setup and this is consistently one of the most
> important aspects of commercial support for people deciding to use
> FreeBSD.  I don't have an answer for this at this time, but think that
> it needs immediate attention before the 5.3 release (5.2's too close).

Hmmm, if I can keep my Cell phone pluged in over night beside my bed,
I see a way to make some quick cash...  :)

> Anyway, /commercial/ needs a nice professional touch to it and to move
> away from some of the flashy, high-energy verbiage that's in there now
> to something more solid and grounded in its tone, but that's for
> another day.

The rest of your patch seems fine.  If you want to work over this
with patches being discussed on the list, feel free.

> PS meta keywords could be brought into the 21st century.  "free unix
>    download stable fast performance smp" would be better than some of
>    the entries listed.


Tom Rhodes

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